In connection with the Russian Federation's unprecedented military aggression against Ukraine, the authorities of SGH Warsaw School of Economics take action to support the Ukrainian community. Here is a summary of the essential information about this assistance.

We have extended assurances of full support for Ukrainian students at SGH. The day after the invasion, there was a meeting with Ukrainian students to discuss their current situation and needs. A similar meeting was held on February 28 with the University's Ukrainian employees. Doctoral students, too, can count on the SGH's assistance. The University is in touch with all of them.

We are also in touch with our partner universities in Ukraine. His Magnificence the Rector has extended to the Rectors of Ukrainian universities a message of solidarity and support in this inconceivably tough time.

Assistance at SGH

Firstly, the authorities of SGH have decided to exempt Ukrainian students from tuition and dormitory fees for two months. If students have paid the fees in advance, they will receive a refund. In addition, no interest will be charged for late payments.

Secondly, all our Ukrainian employees will be provided with the SGH Social Benefits Fund financial support. The social committee accepted the postulates to act in an extraordinary mode, minimizing the formalities. We make every effort to ensure that the payments are made as soon as possible.

The SGH study rules and regulations provide for emergencies. In cases of non-compliance with responsibilities in connection with the developments in Ukraine, Ukrainian students can contact the relevant Dean's Office and the SGH International Centre.

Psychologists have also been scheduled with additional hours to assist international students.

Providing support and care to students, doctoral researchers, and employees from Ukraine has become a priority. The "SGH for Ukraine" initiative urgently called for the participation of volunteers from our University – employees, students and graduates – actively engaging with the assistance efforts in two areas: voluntary operational service (providing all kinds of ad-hoc support such as transport, shopping, administrative matters, languages, child care, etc.) and coordination voluntary service (involvement of people willing to supervise specific projects). About 170 volunteers from SGH are currently involved in various tasks related to helping refugees from Ukraine – some of them work in dormitory houses, some at the material collection, and some go to the Polish-Ukrainian border.

On 26th and 27th February, we hosted the first refugees from Ukraine and provided them with lodgings at the campus. Currently, we host about 50 people from Ukraine. So far we have provided accommodation for more than 150 people. We are expecting more people to arrive from abroad. The second dormitory house is prepared to host new refugees; a daycare centre for children has been organized. 

On Sunday, February 27, we provided the first coach bus at the border-crossing point in Medyka for several dozen refugees from Ukraine to bring them to Warsaw and shelter them. Our guests are primarily mothers with children carrying nothing but hastily arranged hand luggage.

Also, students from third countries are fleeing to us from Ukraine. They are beneficiaries of assistance programmes for far-off lands, to which it is not easy to return now. SGH employees are arranging for board and lodging for them.

SGH has prepared free intensive Polish language courses for people from Ukraine. The classes will be conducted on SGH premises.

SGH also starts operating an Assistance Point for refugees on one of the crossings on the Ukrainian border (the border-crossing point in Zosin). Thanks to the cooperation with Toyota Poland and lending us a small bus with a fuel card, we have been driving to the border every day for over a week to help refugees and take them to Warsaw. Other companies (for example the company Marvipol Development S.A.) are also keen to help us - we receive monetary donations to run support campaigns for Ukrainians, including language courses we run and in-kind donations for refugees in our care.

To help employees, students, and their families coming from Ukraine, on March 1, SGH launched fundraising through the Humanosh Foundation. Our engaged employees have also started collecting material donations. We have so far collected thousands of needed items - clothes, medicines, cosmetics and hygiene products. The donations benefit both refugees living in the dormitory and other accommodation facilities in Warsaw. In addition, we deliver the goods to the border point and to one of the hospitals in Ukraine. We also asked the academic community of the Warsaw School of Economics to welcome refugees from Ukraine into their homes.

On March 11, we organized a day for children and their guardians from Ukraine who have found shelter with SGH employees and students and their friends. On March 15, we will hold a charity concert in memory of students killed due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, including Oleksii Morklianyk, a SGH student.

The SGH Students' Union has made generous contributions to the assistance efforts. Student initiatives for Ukraine include a Telegram channel, assistance mailbox in Polish, English, Russian and Ukrainian, permanent volunteer duty in the dormitory house providing accommodation for refugees from Ukraine.

SGH has also joined the network of assistance organized by UN Global Compact Network Poland UNGC is the world's largest sustainable business initiative. It works for the environment, human rights, anti-corruption and decent and legal work.

Details on specific relief efforts are updated daily in "Gazeta SGH" newspaper in Polish/ English and Ukrainian, as well as on SGH social media (Facebook; LinkedIn; Twitter).



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