The Rector of the Silesian University of Technology, Professor Arkadiusz Mężyk, has signed an ordinance on the establishment of the "SUT helps" programme. The main aim of the programme is to support charitable activities at the University.

The "SUT helps" programme will support charitable activities, including activities undertaken as part of the voluntary work organised at the Silesian University of Technology, e.g. assistance to the victims of the war in Ukraine. The programme is supported by voluntary contributions from natural and legal persons and organisational units which lack legal personality. Payments with specific support can be made to a bank account.

Donors can make payments by bank transfer to account No 73 1050 1070 1000 0090 8154 8720 or through BLIK payments. 

More information is available on the FB profile of the Volunteer Centre.

In order to implement the programme, the Rector appointed a committee whose task is to define the detailed objectives of the programme and supervise the expenditure of funds raised under the programme.

Details of the ordinance are available in the attachment.

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