Pod hasłem “Ranking and International University Exposure” obradowała 27-28 kwietnia w Taszkiencie doroczna konferencja rankingowa IREG 2023 – jedyna na świecie, podczas której na neutralnym gruncie przedstawiciele wszystkich głównych rankingów spotykają się z władzami uczelni z całego świata, często reprezentowanymi przez rektorów. Konferencję otworzył Waldemar Siwiński, założyciel Fundacji Edukacyjnej Perspektywy, prezydent IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence. W obradach wzięła udział liczna grupa rektorów polskich uczelni, którzy dzień wcześniej uczestniczyli w pierwszym Forum rektorów Polski i Uzbekistanu. Zachęcamy do obejrzenia fotogalerii i krótkiej migawki filmowej z tego wydarzenia.

IREG 2023 post conference note

The word “breakthrough” characterized discussion at IREG 2023 Conference in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (27-28 April), leading to the conclusion that nothing in the world of rankings will be the same in the coming years: “I often participate in various conferences and seminars, but I have not met such a substantive and engaged discussion for many years” observed Komiljon Karimov, first deputy minister of higher education, science and innovation of Uzbekistan.

Alex Usher of Higher Education Strategy Associates, Canada added: “One of the most interesting ranking discussions I’ve heard in years. The difference in discourse around rankings after leaving a rich country is huge – here there is much less about marketing and much more about system control/benchmarking.”

This proves again that the annual IREG conferences are the only neutral place in the world where rankers, experts & analysts of higher education and universities, often represented by rectors, can meet and engage in debate under the IREG banner. These discussions have a direct impact on the standards of world rankings.

I want to thank Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov, minister of higher education, science, and innovations of Uzbekistan and Komiljon Karimov, first vice-minister of higher education, science, and innovation for inviting IREG Conference to Uzbekistan and creating excellent conditions for the meaningful debate.

The IREG 2023 Conference with close to 200 participants from 28 countries was hosted by the TIIAME National Research University. Much appreciation to our host, Bakhadir Mirzaev, rector of TIIAME and his excellent team.

I also want to thank the rectors: Kongratbay Sharipov of Tashkent State University of Economics, Alisher Shadmanov of Tashkent Medical Academy, Nodir Khaydarov of Tashkent State Dental Institute and Jasur Rizaev of Samarkand State Medical Academy for their generous help with the conference.

The success of the IREG 2023 was determined by keynote speakers: Prof Seeram Ramakrishna, FREng, Everest Chair, National University of Singapore, and Alex Usher, HESA, Canada; and excellent speakers: Isidro F. Aguillo, Webometrics, Spain; Ying Cheng, ShanghaiRanking, China; Bogumila Kaniewska, Rector, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland; Tom Parker, US; Gero Federkeil, CHE, Germany; Piotr Stepnowski, Rector, University of Gdansk; Marian Preda, Rector, University of Bucharest, Romania; Frans Kaiser, CHEPS, Netherlands; Mustafa Kok, Rector, METU University, Turkey; Gyorgy Fabri, ELTE University, Hungary; Ghassan Aouad, Chancellor of Abu Dhabi University, Habib M. Fardoun; Sergei Khristoliubov, QS; Riri Fitri Sari, GreenMetrics, Indonesia, Abdolbast Greede, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Libya and others.

A significant contribution to our debate was made by the team of Elsevier, a partner of the conference, headed by M’hamed el Aisati.

I want to assure you that we will continue the debate initiated at IREG 2023 in Tashkent – universities and rankers expect, and deserve it!

Waldemar Siwinski
President of IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence



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