Uroczyste ogłoszenie w Brukseli wyników pierwszej edycja Europejskiego Rankingu Studiów Inżynierskich EngiRank 2023, było znakomitą okazją do wysłuchania wielu ciekawych opinii o wyzwaniach stojących przez Europą i roli inżynierów w ich rozwiązywaniu oraz zapoznania się „z pierwszych ręki” z opiniami o przygotowanych wspólnie przez Perspektywy, FRSE i Elsevier rankingu NOWEJ GENERACJI, bo takim jest właśnie Engirank. 


Prof. Rasmus Larsen - Dania
Provost, DTU Vice President
Technical University of Denmark

We are delighted to be named Europe's best university in the new EngiRank of the engineering programs in Europe. The position reflects our strategic focus on offering top-quality engineering education, delivering excellent research and being the business community's preferred partner. EngiRank provides some interesting new perspectives on the European higher engineering education landscape. Because it focuses on the EU countries and thus can rely on EU data sources such as CORDIS and Erasmus+, the ranking provides new insights into research and innovation funding as well as student mobility.

At DTU, we emphasize that the engineering programs must prioritize sustainability. This is a mandatory part of the education in all DTU's fields of study - regardless of whether you want to be an environmental engineer, a wind turbine engineer or an IT engineer.


Prof. Tim van der Hagen - Holandia
President of the Board and Rector
Delft University of Technology

Technology is very important to address major societal problems, whether it is energy transition, digitalization, sustainable medical care or climate change. These problems require engineers, scientific breakthroughs and technologies. TU Delft does this together with other universities, with social sciences and medical sciences.

I appreciate the EngiRank initiative to set up a European ranking for Engineering Programs. I believe that subject rankings are more relevant for our university than world university rankings as they compare universities with similar profiles and missions with each other. The focus on Europe as a geographical area might prove valuable when it opens up the opportunity to go a bit deeper than the conventional rankings.


Prof. Anne-Marie Jolly – Francja
Chair of the Label Committee of ENAEE, Professeure des Universites et Directrice Honoraire de Polytech Orleans, Representante de Femmes et Sciences pour les Hauts de France, Chargee de mission aupres de la CTI

I am very pleased that the programs in the EngiRank accredited by URES or ABET were taken into account. The two systems (accreditation and rankings) converge on the same criteria. Though accreditation and ranking are two different things, we could say they are complementary. They are both very important because engineering is changing.


Prof. Luc Sels – Belgia
Rector of KU Leuven

We are ranked 42 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. We are also advancing in other rankings such as QS and Shanghai.

Not everyone likes me to talk about that. However, whatever your opinion, rankings are important in terms of their effects. They influence the choices of students and researchers. They determine who you speak to and who speaks to you.


Prof. Jakob Fritz Hansen – Dania
Director, Office of Research, Advice and Innovation
Technical University of Denmark

Europe, for sure, is in many ways under pressure. Someone might say that the challenges are piling up. First of all, I think that what we're looking into is the demographics of Europe. We have a stagnating population, so the importance of engineering gets their fair share. That we have engineers to run our industry is so important. Unfortunately, we also see that R&D expenditure has been stagnating. I hope that will change, and Europe will in total have 3% of GDP in R&D. But on the positive side, I think that in many ways we're doing great in Europe.


Prof. Gyorgy Fabri - Węgry
Associate professor at ELTE Social Communication Research Group
Eötvös Lorand University in Budapest (ELTE)

The future and the current trends in engineering education are shaped by the challenges arising from the social perception of engineering professions. I think environmental, social and sustainability aspects must be constantly present in the engineering work. They are also linked to ethics and the constellation of social and community impacts. All this is becoming even more important with digitalization.


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